
Studying Korea

links and resources collected or produced by G P Witteveen, anthroview@gmail dotcom

Links list in blog form, http://korea-outreach.blogspot.com

Korean language leads and links, www.msu.edu/~wittevee/kr/kr-capsule.html

Immersion youth camp with scholarships, http://clvweb.cord.edu/prweb/korean/korean.asp

Korean Studies overview, http://big1file.googlepages.com/kr

Korea studytour, spring 2008 (map/photos); summer 2005

Academy of Korean Studies; Korea Society in NYC (materials)

Korean essays appearing at the weekly Japan Focus (region search-Korea)

Korean Traditional Music sampler (PDF file with liner notes for 21 selected tracks; click the play button to hear the excerpts - permission received to use for educational, non-commercial purposes)

http://koreanstudies08.googlepages.com/kr-trad-music.zip (about 4 megabytes)